Sunday, December 6, 2015

Luke 1:5-25

Zacharias’ Story
Luke 1:5-25

Lots of unlikely circumstances
                Elizabeth was barren
                Zack and Beth were both advanced in years
                ~Zack was chosen by lot to enter the temple (he won the incense burning lottery)
Things in their favor
                They were both righteous
                Zach was a priest
                Zack was a praying man v13

How do you describe the joy of having your children following the Lord?
As we read this next section see if you can figure out how Zacharias looked at Jesus.

Luke 1:57-80
Zacharia’s Prophesy talks about John’s calling, but it also describes Jesus in several verses.

What does this prophesy tell us about Jesus?

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Christmas Stories

Christmas Stories

Matthew 1
Genealogy of Jesus
Conception of Jesus – told to Joseph in a dream
Visit of the Magi – Wise Men
Flight to Egypt / Herod’s attempt to kill Jesus
Luke 1
Gabriel announces the situation to Mary
Mary visits Elizabeth
Mary’s Magnificat
John born to Elizabeth and Zacharias
Luke 2
Jesus birth in Bethlehem / Shepherds / Angels (heavenly host)
Jesus presented at the temple (Simeon / Anna the daughter of Phanuel).

Micah 5:2 Bethlehem is Jesus’ birthplace
Isaiah 7:14 Virgin birth

Which one of these stories hold the most meaning for you and why?
How would you describe the amount of information we have about Jesus birth? A little, a lot, somewhere in between?

What do you think God’s purpose(s) was in including these stories in the Bible?

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Jonah’s Thanksgiving Day Prayer

Summarize Jonah Chapter 1
Read Jonah chapter 2. (NASB)

Conjecture = What was Jonah’s situation two weeks before the events in chapter 1?

God had appointed a task for Jonah that would make a huge difference in the lives of the Ninivites, but Jonah decided that he didn’t want to cooperate.  (Noah getting in his car seat)
God could have used anyone – a native, another Hebrew, a donkey… Why do you think he chose Jonah?

God loves people. He loved the citizens of Nineveh. He loved Jonah.  See verses below:

Revelation 3:19 –Those whom I live I rebuke and discipline
Proverbs 3:12 For whom the LORD loves He reproves, Even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights.

God’s reproof to Jonah did the trick! It worked perfectly. Once Jonah had a chance to think about what God had directed him to do for a while (3 days) he decided that he should turn back to God instead of fleeing from God.

His prayer included an acknowledgement of his current situation, and several statements about God, and in V 9 the ribbon on the whole “prayer Package” is his spirit of thanksgiving. Some translations use the term grateful.

Keep in mind that this prayer is prayed while he was still in the belly of the fish.

Is thankfulness a normal response to discipline?
Is thankfulness a common response to terrible circumstances?

As you are facing challenges, when do you usually get around to thanksgiving?

We don’t often consider Jonah a hero of the faith, but his response to discipline was a good one, and it only took him 3 days to figure out what he should do.

Jonah knew as soon as his cruise director woke him up that God’s discipline was behind the storm. How can we tell the difference between God’s discipline, trials that give us the opportunity to grow in our faith, the result of our own poor choices, or other possible reasons for bad things that happen in our lives?

I believe that just as Jonah knew, God will let us know if our circumstances are a reproof.

As we start the holiday season, and consider all that you might be thankful for, remember to be thankful for God’s love. Sometimes that feels like the Lord is providing for all your needs and you know that He is with you no matter what, but it can sometimes feel like getting kicked off the boat in the middle of the sea. Regardless of your circumstances, God still loves you and is always working to draw you to Him.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Revelation 3:14-22

Message to Laodicea The last of the seven cities, Laodicea (modern Eski-hisar, "the old fortress"), lay about 40 miles southeast of Philadelphia, and 90 miles east of Ephesus. It was "one of the wealthiest cities in the world” that specialized in banking, producing black woolen cloth, and health care.
Description of Christ
Promise to Overcomers

*This church received no commendation; a fact that makes this letter unique compared to the other six.

This passage contrasts wealth and poverty to help the church at Laodicea understand their true situation.

*How could people whose major achievements to date included the wheel and the nail (Maybe a few other comforts) consider themselves rich?

As of September 30, 2015 there are 545 billionaires in the U.S. How are their lives different from the people who lived in Laodicea?

Is there a danger that those of us who have something less than a billion dollars could say “I am rich and have need of nothing”?

Christ advises the Laodiceans to get these white garments eye salve to anoint their eyes so that they can see. What is he talking about here?

V19 Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent.
How does God reprove and discipline those He loves? Does it feel like love when God disciplines you? 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Revelation 3:7-13

Message to Philadelphia
Rev 3:7-13

Key of David – Christ’s total authority – Hezekiah’s servant
Isaiah 22:20-23

I know your deeds. Do you ever think about Jesus knowing your deeds? When does it occur to you that Jesus is watching? Do you think of Him as looking over your shoulder, walking beside you, cheering you on, or like the little angel on your shoulder saying “do right”?
God put an open door in front of the people of the church at Philadelphia. Why does it say He gave them this opportunity? – You have a little power, kept my word, not denied my name.

Several PromisesWhat are they?(I will)
We have lots of opportunities. At work I get invitations every day to attend events. They are always having something for the students and faculty is invited to death. I also get opportunities to do things in the community. I’ve served on the Leadership Texarkana board, I’ve worked with the city staff on an economic impact study, and I served on the Red Cross board for a while. I also have plenty of opportunities to do stuff here at church. There is always something going on that could be considered an opportunity. Question: How can I tell the difference between an opportunity to do something and an open door that Jesus has put in my path?

I think that it helps me choose which opportunities I should take when I remember that Jesus knows my deeds.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Revelation 2:18-29

Message to Thyatira
Thyatira was the smallest and least significant of the seven cities, but it was the one that received the longest letter.  This town stood about 45 miles to the southeast of Pergamum. It was famous for its textiles, but especially for its production of purple dye (cf. Acts 16:14), and its trade guilds. According to extant records, there were more trade guilds in Thyatira than in any other Asian city. There were trade guilds for clothiers, bakers, tanners, potters, linen workers, wool merchants, slave traders, shoemakers, dyers, and copper smiths. Thus it was a business center. 

How does Jesus describe himself?
"Son of God" emphasizes Jesus Christ's deity and His right to judge. This is the only use of this title in Revelation. Flame-like "eyes" suggest discerning and severe judgment. "Burnished (highly reflective) bronze" feet, in this context, picture a warrior with protected feet (cf. 1:15; Dan. 10:6).
What was the church commended for?
love and faith and service and  perseverance – Growing and getting better!
What do you think the church might have been doing to demonstrate love, faith, service, and perseverance?

What was the criticism?
Tolerance! Of Jezebel leading others to acts of immorality and idolatry.
How can the church be growing in their love, faith and service, and also be tolerating these acts of immorality and idol worship?

hold fast until I come
This is the first mention in Revelation of the Lord's coming for the church, the Rapture
Promise to overcomers
to him I will give authority over the nations; 27 and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of the potter are broken to pieces, as I also have received authority from My Father; 28 and I will give him the morning star (Rev 22:16)

Going back to Jesus description of Himself as the Son of God – He has received the authority from His Father to give authority to whom he wants to give authority.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Revelation 2:12-17

Message to Pergamum

Pergamum was the center for many pagan religious cults.

Description of Christ Two edged sword
Commendation - The Pergamum Christians had held firmly to their commitment to Jesus Christ and their witness for Him, even though they lived in one of Satan's strongholds. What kinds of challenges do you think the Pergamum believer’s faced? Do you see any strongholds for Satan in our community? Where?
Criticism - some who hold the teaching of Balaam, who kept teaching Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit acts of immorality. 15 So you also have some who in the same way hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans.
Are we in danger of adopting false teaching? How would Satan try to worm his way in?
Exhortation REPENT! What is the first step in repenting?
Potential Judgement Christ will make war against you with the sword of  his mouth – Judgement.

Promise to overcomers
A white stone represented a vote of acquittal or a favorable vote. Victors in contests or battles also received a white stone. Perhaps God will elevate the overcomer to the position of ruler over the earth, and will give him or her a new name, as He did for Joseph, Abraham and Jacob. The "name" on that stone is "new" in the sense of being different, not new in contrast to what is old. However, the "name" is probably that of "Christ" (cf. Phil. 2:9). It is "unknown" to others ("which no one knows but he who receives it"), in the sense that others who are not overcomers do not possess it.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Revelation 2:8-11

Message to Smyrna 

Not Prophesy, written in about 95 A.D. by John.

Each church section has a pattern;
·         Description of Jesus
·         Commendation
·         Criticism
·         Exhortation
·         Potential judgement
·         Promise to Overcomers

As we read about Smyrna, let’s identify each component.
Revelation 2:8-11

The Angel to the church in Smyrna – Polycarp.
A disciple of John
Bishop of Smyrna\
Martyred in 156.

Description of Jesus
First and last – Why is Jesus eternal nature important in this particular church’s message?

Endured tribulation, persecution. NOT FUN. Does the Bible promise that Christianity will be fun? How does scripture address (what does it say about) tribulation and persecution?

None – Wow.  Philadelphia is the only other church with no criticism.

Do not fear what you are about to suffer, Be faithful unto death.

Potential Judgement – None

Promise – Crown of Life, not be hurt by the second death. What is the second death?

The church at Smyrna was on the front end of ramped up persecution by Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius. Is it possible that we might be headed for a time of persecution? What do you think the Spirit would say to us? How would we do that?

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Psalm 23

God as the Shepherd
Last week we discussed Isiah 40. V11 says:
11 Like a shepherd He will tend His flock, In His arm He will gather the lambs
And carry them in His bosom; He will gently lead the nursing ewes.

This morning I’d like for us to talk about understanding God using the Shepherd picture and go through Psalm 23.

READ Psalm 23
The first 3 verses describe actions. What are the 4 actions ascribed to Him?
Makes me lie down, Leads me, restores my soul, and guides me

When has God done one of these for you?
Why is the reason behind these actions important? It’s not all about me!

The next 2 verses (4 and 5) describe some actions, but they also show that God has power. What can we determine that God has power over through these verses?

Death, Evil, enemies
God doesn’t usually (lately) demonstrate his power over death by miraculously reviving dead people. He has done it a few times in the Bible, but that is not usually how He demonstrates His power over death. How does God show His power over death to us?

Evil is all around us. I sometimes drive down streets not that far from my house and see people that look like they are up to no good. I am probably wrong a lot of the time, but sometimes I’m not. I see evil in this world. How does God demonstrate His power over evil?

V6 sounds like if the Lord is your shepherd, your life will be all roses and happiness. The last part of the verse is eternal life, but we know that Christians have lots of challenges in this earthly life. What is the promise in V6 for today?

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Isaiah 40

God's Power

Intro – Favorite football team or player
What do you notice about football players? Their size and strength.

Isaiah 40 talks about human strength so let’s look at what it has to say about it.
ALL flesh is grass. Grass withers, flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.
When we compare our strength with God’s there is really no good way to get the proper scale. The grass in my yard is looking pretty sorry right now.

9-17 Isaiah uses rhetorical questions to describe God in this section. As we read it, think about what he is saying about God and how it helps us understand God’s power.

Read 9-17

What does this section tell us about God?
                He will come with MIGHT
                His Arm ruling for him
                His reward is with him
                His recompense is with him
                He is like a shepherd
                He tends his flock
                He carries the lambs and gently leads the nursing ewes.
                He is so awesome that He holds the waters in the hollow if His hand.
                He has a Spirit, no one council him

Skip to 28-31
                He does not become weary
                V30 –football players
                If you wait on the lord you will not get weary.
How many of us have the kind of patience Isaiah is talking about in v31?
Why do you think God wants us to wait on Him?
Isaiah went to such great lengths to describe God’s power and contrast it with human frailty, then at the end of this section he says that we can gain strength through patience. (My paraphrase).

Do you think understanding God’s power affects our ability to be patient?

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Romans 16

Romans 16: 1-5 Paul sends a lot of greetings to people.

It is a little odd to find such a list in Romans, because Paul had not been to Rome. He identifies 27 men and 9 women (7 by name).

It is unclear whether he knew the people by reputation or by personal relationship, but he spends a lot of ink on them.

What I’d like us to talk about this morning is the importance of relationships we develop when we serve the Lord together. I think those relationships we form with other believers, while we are serving, are very different than the relationships we might have with others.

Richard Williams
Johnny Morrison 

Paul sent greetings to these folks because he was not in close proximity to them. Can I get a few of you to describe someone who you have served in ministry with, but with whom you no longer have frequent contact?

Do you think the relationships we build with believers in service is different than the relationships we have otherwise? Why or why not?

I think the “serving God”-based relationships are rich in trust, and allow us to do more than we might be able to do alone.
Ecclesiastes 4:12: Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
After listing all the people he wanted to greet, Paul ends his letter with a few warnings.
17-20 Last Advice/Warnings
Unity is critical. (has been done)
Smooth talkers can deceive the unsuspecting. (false teachers)
Be wise in what is good and innocent in what is evil.

God will crush Satan.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Romans 15:7-21

Romans 15: 7-21 –Gentiles, Paul and the Gospel
Sum Up 1-6  Bear the weaknesses of other Christians, be of the same mind and with one accord and one voice glorify God.

Read 7-21 Looking for Paul’s description of his Ministry Mission. (Preach the gospel of Christ to the gentiles or where it has not been preached before). V16
·         Paul was called to minister to gentiles
·         Paul was let by the Holy Spirit
·         Paul focused his speech on what Christ had accomplished through him.

This passage is an interesting comment on the idea of dispensationalism. Paul cites OT prophesy about how Jesus would come and ultimately rule over the gentiles and give them hope. The OT focuses on God’s interaction with His People, the Jews. But the NT, particularly Paul’s ministry spreads out to other people and nations. This section of scripture highlights the change in how God is moving on earth after Jesus came.

BUT I have advertised this section of Romans as the “practical” part of Romans, so let’s talk about a practical application from these verses.

Paul characterizes his sermons/ministry as highlighting God’s work over his own. He says, “17 Therefore in Christ Jesus I have found reason for boasting in things pertaining to God. 18 For I will not presume to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me,
For thought as we go:
Let’s take a few minutes and think about 2 or 3 conversations you have had this past week. How much of them boasted on things pertaining to God? For that matter, how many of them contained any mention of God at all? I will come back to this idea in a minute, but let’s look at a few other things first.

Of course we can all claim, “I’m no Paul”. We would be right about that. But if Jesus is your Savior, you have a lot in common with Paul. Let’s explore that idea a little.

Paul was called to minister to the Gentiles. I am sure that God has called me to be the best husband I can be (Karen is helping me with that), to lead this class, and to Obviously live for Him at work and in other places where I interact with People. What has God called you to do?
 There may be some folks here that are not sure what God has called them to do. What would you say to a person who is a believer but is unclear about how to respond to a question like that?

The next thing that Paul mentions is the leading of the Holy Spirit. I am sometimes a little skeptical of what people claim to be led to do by the Holy Spirit. Can you be sure that something that you want to do is from the Holy Spirit? How?

Finally, Paul focused his speech on what God had accomplished through him. I find that hard to do. At work, I’m usually thinking about teaching, getting tasks done, etc. Does anyone else feel like they sometimes go days without mentioning the Lord in a conversation? What kind of shift in thinking or actions can help us to use Paul’s technique (bragging on God) to fulfill the mission God has given us?

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Romans 14

Pepsi Challenge
We are going to look at Romans 14 this morning. This chapter talks about amoral practices – those things which are not sinful in themselves, like one food or another. There are a couple of different examples in the passage, so let’s read through it.

Romans 14

Background – Some of the people Paul is saying have “Weaker faith” are Jewish believers who believe that they still needed to follow the Mosaic laws related to food and Holy days. The passage is directed to believers, not unbelievers.
This chapter is not really addressing food, holy days, or any amoral behavior, but is teaching us that we should not judge one another.

Paul gives 2 major arguments against one believer judging one another. What are they?

V10-12 We will all be judged by God
and 13 Don’t put an obstacle or stumbling block in a brother’s way.

Can you think of any examples of things that we as believers have the liberty to do but that might be a stumbling block for another believer?
Drinking Alcohol
Spanking children
Eating at a restaurant on Sunday
Working on Sunday

Repeat 17 and 19
V17 for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
19 So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another.
The problem arises over how we interpret what is immoral vs what is amoral.
How can you handle disagreements over amoral things?

Does this mean that if someone professes to be a believer, we should never challenge them on their behavior or choices?

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Romans 13:11-14

The Day Is Near
Intro on Supreme Court decision on same sex marriage.

Romans 13:11-14
SALVATION is  Justified/Sanctified/ Glorified
The next event in God’s ‘Big Picture’ plan involves us meeting Him. Paul describes how he thinks we should live as we wait for the Lord to appear.

How would you summarize the behaviors he wrote in v 13-14?
Paul wrote this letter over 2000 years ago. It is still true that our Glorification is closer now than when we first believed, but does all that time make you think that it could be another 2000 years before Jesus returns?

Would it make a difference in your behavior if an angel appeared to you and said, “Jesus will return on Tuesday, get ready!”

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Romans 13:8-10

Christian Living in the community (not the CG)

Last week we talked about Christian living in relation to our government. Today we are going to see what Paul has to say about how we should relate to those people we encounter every day.
Love Fulfills the Law
Romans 13:8-14

This is not a prohibition against a proper use of credit; it is an underscoring of a Christian's obligation to express divine love in all interpersonal relationships (from

Luke 10:25-37 The Good Samaritan
In light of both of these passages, who are some of the people in your life (actual people with names) that you would identify as your neighbor?
What have you seen another Christian do for someone lately that demonstrates the kind of love Paul is talking about in this passage in Romans?
What are some of the things that keep us from acting neighborly to others?

Matthew 5:42 Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you. (Jesus)

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Romans 13:1-7

Read Romans 13:1-7
This line of reasoning assumes God’s sovereignty. There are lots of ways that our government and other governments have acted in ways that are totally contrary to God’s design and principles.
What does Paul mean by the government being “established by God”?

God has "established" three institutions to control life in our dispensation: the family (Gen. 2:18-25), the civil government (Gen. 9:1-7), and the church (Acts 2). In each institution, there are authorities to whom we need to submit for God's will to go forward. In each of these institutions where there are good, capable leaders, and poor, broken, and even wrong leaders.
But in this case, Paul doesn’t qualify submission based on the individual’s judgement of how good the government is. He says be in subjection.

I’ve seen lots of different responses from Christians to our government. My former Pastor, Mike Huckabee left our church and became the governor of Arkansas and is running for the Presidency. I know many Christians who almost completely ignore the government, other than pretty much obeying the traffic laws.
 How would you describe your interactions or involvement with our government?
Does God’s sovereignty over the government give us a reason to just “go along” with everything that the government does? After all, He controls it all, right?
What does Paul tell us to do as US citizens in this passage? How should we engage our government?

Luke 4:5-8 
Mark 12:13-17 

1 Peter2 13-17  

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Romans 12:14-21

Engaging the Enemy

I have been feeling a lot like Christianity is under attack lately.
PEW Research Study: Over the past seven years, evangelicals have lost less than 1 percent of their share of the population, holding steady at about 1 in 4 American adults (25.4% in 2014, vs. 26.3% in 2007) and preserving their status as the nation’s largest religious group.

Charisma News: A solid majority of Americans would now be comfortable with a president who is gay or lesbian, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.

Midland MI Daily News: Religious Freedom Restoration Act is neither freedom nor religious  Jesus did not discriminate against serving people because they were different or did not meet his religion’s standards. 

We Christians would do well to go back to the model of Jesus for our daily living.

I think Romans 12:14-21 give us some excellent ammunition for the battle ahead. Let’s hear what it says:

Romans 12:14-21 

Well, Maybe ammunition for the battle is not the right metaphor. I picked out 4 clear responses to the cultural challenge that is on our doorstep from this passage. Let’s break this down and see what Paul is telling us about engaging the enemy.

Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse: We are not the “persecuted” church, yet, but it seems to be coming. More than at any time in the past. As we encounter people who want to declare that our views are intolerant and biased, how do we bless them?

Never pay back evil for evil to anyone AND  Never take your own revenge. What kind of attitude does this take?

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. I think to do this you have to see people as the same kind of sinner that you once were. I also think that there can be more power in goodness than there is in evil. Can you think of a circumstance where you have seen evil overcome by good?

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Romans 12:9-13

13 exhortations for the believer.
  • 1.       Let love be without hypocrisy.
  • 2.       Abhor what is evil;
  • 3.       cling to what is good.
  • 4.       10 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love;
  • 5.       give preference to one another in honor;
  • 6.       11 not lagging behind in diligence,
  • 7.       fervent in spirit,
  • 8.       serving the Lord;
  • 9.       12 rejoicing in hope,
  • 10.   persevering in tribulation,
  • 11.   devoted to prayer,
  • 12.   13 contributing to the needs of the saints,
  • 13.   practicing hospitality.

Let’s see if we can think of concrete examples of each of these actions/attitudes, one at a time.

Let’s assume that as we have gone through these exhortations, that we kept score on how well we are doing in each of these areas. I can say that I do pretty good at diligence and rejoicing in hope, but not all that good in being fervent in spirit or practicing hospitality. I just finished giving all the final exams in my classes this week, so grades are on my mind. (Rhetorical) what grade do you think you would get? What is the value of an “A” over a “C”? ie why should we strive to do these things?

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Romans 12:3-8

V3 – a measure of faith.

2 short side trips on Faith
Luke 7:1-10 Centurion with Great faith
Matthew 8:23-27 Disciples in the boat with little faith

A little or a lot? How much do we need?

Luke 17:1-6 

What is the worst meal you have ever cooked?

V4-8 talks about exercising your gifts accordingly. Prophecy, service, teaching, exhortation, giving, Leadership, and mercy.

Rhetorical Question Have you ever been guilty of thinking, “I don’t have to do this thing all that well – Those people at the church will be glad I did it at all. Just because it is not top notch – that’s OK. It’s better than nothing and besides, they’re not even paying me anyway.”?
What are some of the reasons that are given for doing less than our very best in God’s work?
Low priority, too busy, someone else can do it.

In addition to this passage Colossians says:
Colossians 3:23 do it for the Lord, not for men.

What impact does it have on the church when one of us does not use the gift that God has given us?

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Romans 12:1-2

Romans 12:1-2

V1 (re-read V1) – Holy describes a characteristic of God. How can we be holy?

Read paragraph 5. Is holiness equal to being morally good, i.e. not sinning, or is God calling us to something else?

How does our holiness impact our worship? Can you worship if you are not holy?

V2 What does a Christian who is conformed to this world do differently than a Christian who is not conformed to this world? In other words, how can you tell the difference?
What specific actions do we have to take to renew our mind as this verse tells us?

How long does it take to be transformed by the renewing of your mind?

Sunday, April 12, 2015

1 Samuel 21

Ice Breaker
What is the farthest distance you have ever run?
What do you think about when you are running?

1 Samuel 21 – David fleeing Saul

Background (Samuel so far)
Chapter 10 Saul made King
Chapter 15 the Lord rejects Saul
Chapter 16 David is anointed King (age 10-13)

Read Samuel Chapter 21. (Age 15-17, maybe a little older)

David takes the consecrated bread and Goliath’s sword.
David went to Gath.

What was David thinking while he was running?
Do you think David felt like a King when he lied to Abimelech?

Psalm 27 – Intro – Chronological Bible reading

V1-3 David talks about his confidence. Fake it till you make it? OR was David really this confident?
V4-6 David praises God. Why is praising God “good medicine” in times of trouble?
V7-10 David seems to be saying “I need help, now would be good”. Why do we sometimes think that God has hidden his face from us?
V11-14 David is asking God to reveal His ways through this trial. How does this psalm end? Patience.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Mark 14

Key events prior to Jesus crucifixion
Mark 14:1-9 Mary of Bethany anoints Jesus with perfume.
Some of the people thought that Mary’s gift was spent on the wrong thing.
Mary chose to spend her money on something that honored Jesus.

How do you decide whether God wants you to give to one thing over another?
Maybe  - The Joash Project or some other worthy cause?

V9-10: Judas went off to betray Jesus.
In this passage and in Luke 22:3-6 it sounds like the money was an afterthought to the decision to betray Jesus. What bearing does the 30 pieces of silver have on the betrayal?
Judas gave it back later Matthew 27:3
When I read this passage I visualize Elisha in 2 Kings 6 where he prayed that God would open his servant’s eyes so that he could see the chariots of fire and horses all around. This unseen army was ready to battle.

V12-16 Getting Ready for the Passover.
Kind of a mundane set of tasks. It seems that they probably didn’t realize the magnitude of what was about to happen. Do you think they would have acted differently if they had known that this was the last Passover with Jesus? How would they have acted differently?

Would you feel differently about our service today if you knew that there would be some eternally significant event on Tuesday? Like for example, what if the rapture was actually scheduled for March 31st, 2015 at 3:27pm. It makes me think that our time spent worshipping and serving God is precious and important. 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Matthew 28 - The Church W4

Making disciples starts when someone places their trust in Christ for salvation. I like to divide “Making disciples” in to two parts: Part 1 – what the Bible says, and Part 2 – How the Bible applies to me.

Part 1 What the Bible says (Roman Road)
1.    Romans 3:23 NKJV – for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
2.    Romans 6:23 NKJV – For the wages of sin [is] death, but the gift of God [is] eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
3.    Romans 5:8 NKJV – But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
4.    Romans 10:9-10 NKJV – that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation
5.    Romans 10:13 NKJV – For “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.”
What does a person do once they are saved? – The WORD
6.       Romans 10:17 NKJV – So then faith [comes] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Part 2 How this applies to me
1.       My experience in accepting the gift of salvation
2.       What my relationship with God has meant to me (lately)

If you don’t have these basic concepts in mind – get them.
One of my challenges is finding an opportunity to share this message.
How can we find opportunities to share the message of salvation?

There are lots of excuses for avoiding this command. Most of my friends are saved, This topic just never seems to come up in conversation…
What are some of the barriers that keep us from sharing the gospel?

Skipping to V20 – Jesus promises to be with us always. We have Him interceding for us before our Heavenly father (Hebrews 7:25)  and He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in us. Why do you think Jesus included this promise along with these commands?

Something very important about this promise to me is that as a teacher, Jesus promises to be with me. I know that doesn’t mean that every one of my words is inspired, but it does mean that I can count on Jesus to guide me and work through me as I teach from his word week by week. On some weeks I can almost sense His presence as we work through a passage of scripture. Sometimes – not so much, but what is important is that opening the word of God (regularly) will increase our faith (Romans 10:17).  So it’s not really my teaching that is important, but the impact that the word has on our faith each week.

Remember – the Lord is with you when you share the gospel. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Ephesians 4 - The Church W3

Ephesians 4: 1-16
Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Tolerance is really popular these days. In the era of political correctness, our culture is pushing us to accept non-Biblical positions like: Homosexuality is fine, Islamic views should be respected, Women should be able to choose wither or not to end a pregnancy, etc. How is the tolerance Paul is talking about different than the tolerance we hear preached from the evening news anchors?
-----Maybe--- How should we deal with non-believers when we are confronted with Biblical values vs. non-Biblical values?

There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.

If there is only one body and one faith, why are there so many different churches? Do you think God is pleased with this variety of churches who are teaching 95% the same stuff?

But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift. Therefore it says, “When He ascended on high, He led captive a host of captives, And He gave gifts to men.” (Now this expression, “He ascended,” what does it mean except that He also had descended into the lower parts of the earth? 10 He who descended is Himself also He who ascended far above all the heavens, so that He might fill all things.) 11 And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ;

According to V12 why did God give gifts to men? Equipping of the saints and for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ. Can anyone define the “Work of Service”? What are some examples of the “work of service”?

In some of my business classes I take students through theories and practices to measure various business processes. For example, you can use something called constraint management theory to measure how making a small change in one part of a manufacturing process can impact the overall cost and quality of the product. There are several ways to measure a business, but I think it is a little more challenging to measure a church. Two popular methods are by attendance and by the budget.
What are some other ways that we can tell if the body of Christ is being built up? If a church is doing well in building up attendance and increasing their budget, does that mean they are building up the body of Christ?

13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. 14 As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; 15 but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ, 16 from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.
In addition to building up the Church, one of the ideals Paul highlights is the concept of a mature man. How does he describe a mature man? Can a person really get to that goal? How?

Challenge to consider: What is your part of building up the body of Christ? Are you striving to be a Mature Man?

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Acts 2 - The Church W2

Family living – Opener: Other than your spouse, who do you have the closest relationship with and why? Me- My son Tim. We have just wrapped up a remodeling project on his house and we spent a lot of time together working on the house. Along the way, we got to share our thoughts about all that is happening in his life, and his dreams and thoughts about the future. It has really been awesome.

Defining Characteristics of the Church – They operated like a family.

Acts 2: The first of the early church V37-47 

In V42 – What were the 4 activities they were doing?
o   Devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching
o   Fellowship
o   Breaking of bread
o   Prayer
We still do these today. Our’s is not exactly like their’s.

How is our teaching and learning different from what they did in Acts 2?
Do you think the sense of fellowship in the Act 2 church was stronger than it is in our church? Why?

V43 says that everyone kept feeling a sense of awe. Is there anything about Fellowship Bible Church that makes you feel a sense of awe?  

V 46 – talks about how they continued with one mind. How did they maintain this fantastic unity? Met day by day, had things in common, met each other’s needs, ate together, were sincere of heart, praised God.
Are those things that would help us maintain our unity? Why (each one)?

This passage sounds a lot like it is describing a family.

Challenge: This week – think of ways that you can treat your brothers and sisters in Christ as true family. Find ways to overcome the barriers that separate us, time, location, whatever, and act as though you are actually as close as a sister or brother or other family member to your fellow believers.