Sunday, July 18, 2010

Joshua 10 - The Long Day

Joshua 10:3-14 – Joshua and the long day

The Gibeonites had tricked Israel into a treaty. Then they were attacked by Adoni-zedek, king of Jerusalem. They called on Israel for help.

V8 – I have given them into your hands.

Was this promise and different than what God had already promised Joshua?
Why do you think God re-stated it?

V10-14 –The Lord fought for Israel.
What are the 3 things attributed to God in this battle?
1) He confounded the enemy
2) He threw large hailstones at them and killed many
3) He stopped the sun and moon so that the day could be extended.
3 Theories about the sun standing still
1) It is what is says
2) The source of this quotation is a book of Hebrew Poems, “Book of Jashar”. The poetic language if often figurative instead of literal. It may be another way of saying that God helped Joshua accomplish a lot of battle in a short time. We use similar language today.
This has been a long day…
3) Perhaps the daylight was delayed by clouds or an eclipse so that the all night march could be completed.

Main Point – V14 – the Lord fought for Israel.

Read 15-27 the 5 kings (look for 2 places where Joshua gives his soldiers encouragement)
V19 the Lord your God has delivered them into your hand
V 25 be strong and courageous.

Was it important for Joshua to reinforce God’s promise to his army? Why?
Do you remind your friends of God’s promises when they are facing a battle? How?
Has anyone ever encouraged you with a psalm or scripture during a struggle? What difference did it make?
Do you think it made any difference in Joshua’s faith to remind others of God’s promise?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Joshua 9 When do I Ask God ?

Deut 20:16-18 is God's command to Israel to destroy the inhabitants of Canaan.

Joshua 9:1-18 - Israel made a treaty with the Gibeonites based on false information.

Why were the Gibeonites so believable?
They were very motivated.

Key verse 9:14 - they did not ask for the counsel of the Lord.

Raise your hand if you would seek God's will in these decisions:
Career Change
Marriage partner
new car
new house
Where to go on vacation
Where to eat lunch
What color socks to wear

Some things we decide on our own using the brain God gave us. Some things we know we should seek guidance from the Lord on. Where is the dividing line? Where should it be? How do you know when to decide on your own?