Sunday, January 25, 2015

Nehemiah 2

God’s answer to Nehemiah’s prayer:
Nehemiah had spent days (1:4) weeping, mourning, fasting, and praying. From the passage we will read this morning, he also spent some of that time planning. As we read Chapter 2, look for evidence that Nehemiah had a plan together before he ever had an opportunity to speak to the King.

Read Nehemiah 2:1-8  

Is there any evidence that Nehemiah had already thought through what he might need prior to his audience with the King? Letters, Timber.

Nehemiah prayed for success. God answered his prayer and granted him success before the King. What do you suppose might have happened if Nehemiah had prayed that God would miraculously restore the wall without any human hands touching it, so that God would receive all the glory?

READ Nehemiah 2:11-16   

In V12 Nehemiah says that God was putting into his mind what he should do for Jerusalem. How can you tell if something that comes to your mind is from God or from somewhere else? Scripture, wise council, circumstances.

Is there a way to know how much of a given task I should do with my hands and how much of it I should wait for God to do through whatever means He chooses?

Nehemiah prayed to God but he also listened. When God spoke, Nehemiah acted. This passage challenges me to be sure that God is with me, but to do my part in the work as well.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Nehemiah 1 Prayers of Nehemiah

Praise – V5 Great and Awesome God
No Thanksgiving.
Confession – V6 Confessing the sins of the sons of Israel (acted corruptly, not kept the commandments
Intercession – 9-11  Gather His people to the place where he had chosen to cause His name to dwell
Supplication – V6 Be attentive V11 make your servant successful

Look for these parts of prayer. As we read chapter 1.
What turn of events caused Nehemiah to pray?
Do you ever go days or weeks without praying? Why do people sometimes view prayer as a last resort?
Let’s see if we can identify some prayer parts in this chapter –
                See list above.

Nehemiah was very specific in this prayer. 
What sins did he list in his confession? Who had sinned?
Nehemiah’s last request in this prayer was for success. Why do you think he was able to pray so boldly?
Do you pray for success in your endeavors or do you stop short?
 Is there a way to be confident that the success we are seeking is in harmony with God’s will?