Sunday, July 26, 2015

Romans 15:7-21

Romans 15: 7-21 –Gentiles, Paul and the Gospel
Sum Up 1-6  Bear the weaknesses of other Christians, be of the same mind and with one accord and one voice glorify God.

Read 7-21 Looking for Paul’s description of his Ministry Mission. (Preach the gospel of Christ to the gentiles or where it has not been preached before). V16
·         Paul was called to minister to gentiles
·         Paul was let by the Holy Spirit
·         Paul focused his speech on what Christ had accomplished through him.

This passage is an interesting comment on the idea of dispensationalism. Paul cites OT prophesy about how Jesus would come and ultimately rule over the gentiles and give them hope. The OT focuses on God’s interaction with His People, the Jews. But the NT, particularly Paul’s ministry spreads out to other people and nations. This section of scripture highlights the change in how God is moving on earth after Jesus came.

BUT I have advertised this section of Romans as the “practical” part of Romans, so let’s talk about a practical application from these verses.

Paul characterizes his sermons/ministry as highlighting God’s work over his own. He says, “17 Therefore in Christ Jesus I have found reason for boasting in things pertaining to God. 18 For I will not presume to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me,
For thought as we go:
Let’s take a few minutes and think about 2 or 3 conversations you have had this past week. How much of them boasted on things pertaining to God? For that matter, how many of them contained any mention of God at all? I will come back to this idea in a minute, but let’s look at a few other things first.

Of course we can all claim, “I’m no Paul”. We would be right about that. But if Jesus is your Savior, you have a lot in common with Paul. Let’s explore that idea a little.

Paul was called to minister to the Gentiles. I am sure that God has called me to be the best husband I can be (Karen is helping me with that), to lead this class, and to Obviously live for Him at work and in other places where I interact with People. What has God called you to do?
 There may be some folks here that are not sure what God has called them to do. What would you say to a person who is a believer but is unclear about how to respond to a question like that?

The next thing that Paul mentions is the leading of the Holy Spirit. I am sometimes a little skeptical of what people claim to be led to do by the Holy Spirit. Can you be sure that something that you want to do is from the Holy Spirit? How?

Finally, Paul focused his speech on what God had accomplished through him. I find that hard to do. At work, I’m usually thinking about teaching, getting tasks done, etc. Does anyone else feel like they sometimes go days without mentioning the Lord in a conversation? What kind of shift in thinking or actions can help us to use Paul’s technique (bragging on God) to fulfill the mission God has given us?

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Romans 14

Pepsi Challenge
We are going to look at Romans 14 this morning. This chapter talks about amoral practices – those things which are not sinful in themselves, like one food or another. There are a couple of different examples in the passage, so let’s read through it.

Romans 14

Background – Some of the people Paul is saying have “Weaker faith” are Jewish believers who believe that they still needed to follow the Mosaic laws related to food and Holy days. The passage is directed to believers, not unbelievers.
This chapter is not really addressing food, holy days, or any amoral behavior, but is teaching us that we should not judge one another.

Paul gives 2 major arguments against one believer judging one another. What are they?

V10-12 We will all be judged by God
and 13 Don’t put an obstacle or stumbling block in a brother’s way.

Can you think of any examples of things that we as believers have the liberty to do but that might be a stumbling block for another believer?
Drinking Alcohol
Spanking children
Eating at a restaurant on Sunday
Working on Sunday

Repeat 17 and 19
V17 for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
19 So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another.
The problem arises over how we interpret what is immoral vs what is amoral.
How can you handle disagreements over amoral things?

Does this mean that if someone professes to be a believer, we should never challenge them on their behavior or choices?

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Romans 13:11-14

The Day Is Near
Intro on Supreme Court decision on same sex marriage.

Romans 13:11-14
SALVATION is  Justified/Sanctified/ Glorified
The next event in God’s ‘Big Picture’ plan involves us meeting Him. Paul describes how he thinks we should live as we wait for the Lord to appear.

How would you summarize the behaviors he wrote in v 13-14?
Paul wrote this letter over 2000 years ago. It is still true that our Glorification is closer now than when we first believed, but does all that time make you think that it could be another 2000 years before Jesus returns?

Would it make a difference in your behavior if an angel appeared to you and said, “Jesus will return on Tuesday, get ready!”