Sunday, August 23, 2015

Psalm 23

God as the Shepherd
Last week we discussed Isiah 40. V11 says:
11 Like a shepherd He will tend His flock, In His arm He will gather the lambs
And carry them in His bosom; He will gently lead the nursing ewes.

This morning I’d like for us to talk about understanding God using the Shepherd picture and go through Psalm 23.

READ Psalm 23
The first 3 verses describe actions. What are the 4 actions ascribed to Him?
Makes me lie down, Leads me, restores my soul, and guides me

When has God done one of these for you?
Why is the reason behind these actions important? It’s not all about me!

The next 2 verses (4 and 5) describe some actions, but they also show that God has power. What can we determine that God has power over through these verses?

Death, Evil, enemies
God doesn’t usually (lately) demonstrate his power over death by miraculously reviving dead people. He has done it a few times in the Bible, but that is not usually how He demonstrates His power over death. How does God show His power over death to us?

Evil is all around us. I sometimes drive down streets not that far from my house and see people that look like they are up to no good. I am probably wrong a lot of the time, but sometimes I’m not. I see evil in this world. How does God demonstrate His power over evil?

V6 sounds like if the Lord is your shepherd, your life will be all roses and happiness. The last part of the verse is eternal life, but we know that Christians have lots of challenges in this earthly life. What is the promise in V6 for today?

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