Sunday, March 4, 2012

Philippians 2:5-11

The most significant passages in the whole book.  Because of the theology – Jesus in his pre-incarnate state existed in the form of God – He was God. When he chose to take on the form of man, he did so to provide a way for us a way to a relationship with Him.
Jesus did not give up his deity to come to earth. He did not cease to be God when He became a man.

What did Jesus empty himself of to become a man?
Physical body restrictions (sleep/food),
Dependence on the Father (Prayer)
Omniscience, Omnipresence, Omnipotence (Not used for his own convenience) But used for his service to others.

Jesus took the unimaginable step from heaven, to earth, but then He further humbled himself to die a terrible death on the cross.
What does the act of dying on the cross tell us about Jesus “Attitude”?
How can we possibly copy that attitude?

Then God, the Father, exalted Jesus, and said that every tongue will confess that He is Lord. In the end Jesus will demonstrate his glory and power and everyone will acknowledge His position.
Can this verse mean that if we as Christians live a life of serving Him in humility, that God will reward us in some way in eternity?

This passage is a great example of what believers need to copy in Jesus. His example shows us obedience, humility, and ultimate reward. We as believers should see these as perfect examples of how we need to live out our Christianity.

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