Sunday, April 3, 2016

Miracles Recorded in John - Water into Wine

Miracles in John - List
  1. Changing water into wine: John 2: 1-11
  2. Healing the Nobleman’s Son: John 4: 43-54
  3. Healing the Man at the Pool of Bethesda: John 5: 1-15
  4. Feeding the Five Thousand: John 6: 1-15
  5. Walking on the Water: John 6: 16-21
  6. Healing the Man Born Blind: John 9: 1-12
  7. Raising Lazarus from the Dead: John 11: 1-46
8th – Christ rising from the dead

Summary of Gospel Introductions
probably 40s
probably 60s
probably 50s
probably 90s

John is different than the synoptic gospels. Different events, different purpose, different audience.

Thomas Constable (see reference above)
Obviously the word "Word" (Greek - logos; Aramaic - memra, used to describe God in the Targums), to which John referred, was a title for God. The Targums are Aramaic translations of the Old Testament. Later in this verse he identified the Word as "God." John evidently chose this title because it communicates the fact that the Word was not only God, but also the expression of God. A spoken or written word expresses what is in the mind of its speaker or writer. The Greeks used the world logos to describe the reason or mind of God. Likewise Jesus, the Word (v. 14), was not only God, but He was the expression of God to humankind. Jesus' life and ministry expressed to humankind what God wanted us to know. The word "word" had this metaphorical meaning in Jewish and Greek literature when John wrote his Gospel.

Why This Gospel Was Written

Water into wine – Early in Jesus “Public” ministry

Wise is that couple who invite Jesus to their wedding! Wiersbe

What does this event tell us about Jesus social life? He was involved in regular human affairs.

What does this exchange show about Jesus relationship with his mother?

What do you think Mary expected Jesus to do?

6 Waterpots – The waterpots were used for the jewish ritual of purification. The number 6 is just short of the number that represented completion or perfection. 1 more thing was needed and the wine later came to symbolize the blood of Christ, that thing that perfectly replaced the jewish ceremontial system of sacrifice for sin. (Shepherd’s Notes, Holeman Reference, John, p.18)

What is the meaning of the Headwaiter’s comments about the sorry wine first then the good wine?
"The world (and Satan also) gives its best first, and keeps the worst for the last. First the pleasures of sin—for a season—and then the wages of sin. But with God it is the very opposite. He brings His people into the wilderness before He brings them into the promised inheritance. First the Cross then the crown." – Pink

How did this sign affect His disciples? They believed in Him.

How does this (and other miracles/signs that Jesus did) affect your faith in Jesus?

As we study the miracles that Jesus did in the book of John I hope our faith will grow stronger and we can become even more confident in his power over everything in heaven and on earth.

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