Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Rich Young Ruler Mat 19:16-26

The Rich Young Ruler

Matthew 19:16-26

What do you think the jews of the day thought about the rich young ruler? He had them fooled.

Jesus didn’t tell others that they had to sell all they had, why would he create a different set of entry requirements for this guy? It wasn’t different; he had placed something ahead of Jesus.

Jesus could look into the young man’s heart and see that he had an idol (money). We see people all around us that put things other things above a relationship to God. 
What are some of the most common idols you see in our culture (things people put ahead of God)?

Suppose someone approached you this week (since this lesson will be fresh on your mind) and says, “I’m a good person, I go to church, I treat my family well – even my aging parents, but I’m not sure I’m going to end up in heaven”. Suppose you also know that they are really devoted to (one of the areas identified). What would you tell them?

Can you take “riches” out of Jesus response and generalize it to other things that people may value ahead of God, or is this strictly a “riches – Money” problem?

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