Saturday, June 18, 2016

Entertaining Angels Heb 13

Entertaining Angels

Today we are going to look at some of the ways angels are described in their interaction with man in the new testament. The writer of Hebrews drops a reference to angels in as a side note, in the middle of a list of do’s and don’ts.
As we read this passage look for the 6 or 7 things he is saying about how we should live and about the reference to angels.

Love of the brethren
Hospitality to strangers
Remember the Prisoners
Hold Marriage in honor
Don’t love money / be content
-I will never leave you/The Lord is my helper

If we weren’t studying angels, we could spend the morning on this passage, picking one another’s brains about how we could be better at loving one another, showing hospitality etc. But today we are looking at the “Angels” part of the passage.

Has anyone here ever shown hospitality to someone, and later wondered if it could have been an angel? Why would God send an angel to us in need of hospitality?

What good are good works? For us, for others, for God’s kingdom?

The writer of Hebrews talks about some areas where we should strive for holiness, and mentions that angels have a part in helping us achieve what we need to be, but just like the angels, the writer ultimately points us to the Lord (v6) – The Lord is my helper.
God can use angels to help us in ways such as developing our faith by helping someone else.

Let’s look at another way that God uses angels. We get a substantial portion of what we understand about death and heaven from a parable that Jesus told in Luke 16.

According to this parable, what happened to Lazarus when he died?
What does this say about Angels?
Do you think they might be sitting around the hospital room or at the intersection of an eminent car crash just waiting to transport a saint’s soul into God’s presence?

We have another hint that angels may be all around us, unseen, in 1 Timothy 5:21. Paul is writing concerning elders and says:

In looking at all the verses in the Bible it is amazing how many times angels are mentioned, and we just pass them by. But angels are important beings and their existence, presence, and mission is highlighted all through scripture.

I wonder if we might be overlooking them in the same way that we overlook other spiritual things. It is easy to get involved in this world and miss the spiritual things going on because we are focused on what we can see, touch, and smell.

I want to challenge you to let angels serve as a reminder of the spiritual nature of everything that God orchestrates and allows. Think of your workplace and imagine two or three angels are hanging out there. They might be waiting to help you by kicking something out of the way so you don’t trip, or figuring out a way to put you into the middle of an opportunity to do a good work. They might also be on standby to carry you into God’s presence. In any case, that mental image can be a reminder that what is going on around you has a spiritual context and impact.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Feeding the 5000

Feeding the Five Thousand: John 6: 1-15
Miracles so far - Recap

  1. Changing water into wine: John 2: 1-11 – Jesus Power over physical matter and time
  2. Healing the Nobleman’s Son: John 4: 43-54 - Power over physical illness and space (distance)
  3. Healing the Man at the Pool of Bethesda: John 5: 1-15 Jesus revealed that He was the Son of God
  4. Feeding the Five Thousand: John 6: 1-15 Ability to meet physical needs, Sustainer of life
Why did John record these miracles?
John 20:30-31  Therefore many other signs Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; 31 but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.

This miracle is recorded in all 4 Gospels.

Philip takes the spotlight in this event. Jesus was testing Phillip, and teaching him along with the other disciples. Phillip was from Philip was from Bethsaida, the nearest sizable town, and he was the most likely to know the area.

Jesus knew how Philip (and the others) would try to solve this problem because it is just like we would probably try to solve it.

  • ·         How did Philip respond to Jesus question about buying food? (it would take a lot of money. 200 Denarii was about 8 months wages, and it wouldn’t be enough).
  • ·         Matthew 14:15 records that the hour was getting late and the disciples had suggested that they solve the problem by sending the crowd away so that they could buy food in the surrounding villages.

·         Both of these ideas are perfect examples of how we might attempt to solve this or any problem.
o   First – Let’s see if we can solve it with money!
o   Next – Let’s see if we can make it just go away.
·         What are some other ways we attempt to solve problems without bringing Jesus into the equation? Work at the solution or try harder, blame someone else, get the government to solve the problem.
What did Andrew suggest? Loaves and fishes. Do you think Andrew suspected what Jesus might do?
Jesus had enough of whatever it took to meet the needs of those followers. 
How does that ability to meet physical needs translate to us today?

****************Miracle for next week *************

John 6:26-40 I am the Bread of Life

1st of 7 I Am statements in John – the Bread of Life

Manna and Jesus: The bread of life
Came and night
Came when men were in darkness
Met physical need
Meets spiritual needs
A gift from God
God’s gift to the world
Had to be picked up and eaten
Must be received and appropriated

Why did Jesus say that the crowds were following him? Because he was feeding them.
What did Jesus mean by not hungering and thirsting in V35?
Look down to V41 and 42. Why were the Jews questioning Jesus’ deity?

I think we sometimes fall into the trap of trying to make Christianity sound like an answer to problems that it is not intended to answer. Faith in Christ is a spiritual matter. It results in actions, lifestyle choices, and values (yes), but at its core it is a relationship with God, who may choose to feed and clothe us in style, or otherwise allow us to suffer for his glory or eternal purposes. The bread of life that Jesus is presenting offering will satisfy something much deeper than physical hunger. It satisfies our desire for forgiveness, righteousness, and fellowship with the creator.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

The Sabbath Conroversy at Bethesda

Do any of you old folks remember the Ed Sullivan show? Favorite act?
1970 Flip Wilson - The devil made me do it!

Why did John record these signs?

John 20:30-31  Therefore many other signs Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; 31 but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.

1 Water to wine at Cana - Power over physical matter and time
2 healing of the Nobleman’s child at Cana - Power over physical illness and space (distance)

As we read through this passage, let’s look for the thing that shows more about who Jesus is.

Why do you suppose that Jesus asked the man if he wanted to be healed?

Now the man who had been afflicted had been that way for 38 years. One day Jesus comes by and heals him. What an amazing miracle!

How did the Jewish leaders plan to celebrate the healing?
They were highly offended and wanted to bring someone to justice under their rabbinic law.

According to the prevailing Jewish interpretation of the law, it was not legitimate to carry anything from one place to another on the Sabbath (cf. Neh. 13:15; Jer. 17:21-27). Doing so constituted a capital offense that could result in stoning. (Constable, p. 105)

When the healed man was questioned about what he was doing, what was his explanation?
Jesus made me do it!  The healed man passed off the responsibility, for his disobeying the rabbis'
rule, by blaming Jesus.

In John 5:18-23 Jesus makes it very clear for the Jews.

What do these verses tell us about Jesus? He was God in the flesh.

What kind of reaction do you see today when people assert that Jesus is Lord, that he has saved us, and that He is the only way to Heaven?

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Healing the Nobleman’s Son- John 4

Why did John record these signs?

John 20:30-31  Therefore many other signs Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; 31 but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.

John recorded two miracles in Cana as bookmarks to Jesus early ministry. Between these recorded miracles John records Jesus cleansing the temple (an example of the Jew’s hostility toward Jesus, His interaction with Nicodemus, then the Samaritan woman (or the woman at the well) which led to many in Samaria accepting Him, then the second sign that we will talk about today.
Background Information
·         Capernaum was about 13 miles Cana
·         The Nobleman was probably a Jew

·         The "royal official" (Gr. basilikos) was, going by his title, a man who served a king, in either a civil or a military capacity.

John 4:43-54

What did the Royal Official evidently believe going in?
                That Jesus could heal his child
                That Jesus had to come to him to do it
                That if he didn’t hurry, it would be too late

In Jesus’ miracle of turning water into wine he demonstrated power over time and matter (the water didn’t need to be fermented over time, it was instantly changed). What kind of power did this miracle demonstrate? (power over space, sickness)

Bringing it home today. It is abundantly clear in scripture that Jesus has the power to heal. His spoken word healed this child 13 miles away. Restoring a sick body is amazing. We also know that Jesus loves us beyond what we can ever comprehend. But there is something that is hard to understand, given God's total power over sickness. Even though we all prayed for healing for Allen, God didn’t heal him from his brain cancer. 

How can we answer the question, “Why not?”

God is sovereign Psalm 115:3 and has our ultimate good and His glory in mind.
His purpose for us ends with a perfect blessing in heaven Revelation 21:4 
God does not always heal sickness, even when we (or even Paul) asks 2 Corinthians 12:7-10
His ways are different and higher than what we can understand Isaiah 55:8

We are nevertheless encouraged to pray, asking God for the desires of our heart.Psalm 37:4

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Miracles Recorded in John - Water into Wine

Miracles in John - List
  1. Changing water into wine: John 2: 1-11
  2. Healing the Nobleman’s Son: John 4: 43-54
  3. Healing the Man at the Pool of Bethesda: John 5: 1-15
  4. Feeding the Five Thousand: John 6: 1-15
  5. Walking on the Water: John 6: 16-21
  6. Healing the Man Born Blind: John 9: 1-12
  7. Raising Lazarus from the Dead: John 11: 1-46
8th – Christ rising from the dead

Summary of Gospel Introductions
probably 40s
probably 60s
probably 50s
probably 90s

John is different than the synoptic gospels. Different events, different purpose, different audience.

Thomas Constable (see reference above)
Obviously the word "Word" (Greek - logos; Aramaic - memra, used to describe God in the Targums), to which John referred, was a title for God. The Targums are Aramaic translations of the Old Testament. Later in this verse he identified the Word as "God." John evidently chose this title because it communicates the fact that the Word was not only God, but also the expression of God. A spoken or written word expresses what is in the mind of its speaker or writer. The Greeks used the world logos to describe the reason or mind of God. Likewise Jesus, the Word (v. 14), was not only God, but He was the expression of God to humankind. Jesus' life and ministry expressed to humankind what God wanted us to know. The word "word" had this metaphorical meaning in Jewish and Greek literature when John wrote his Gospel.

Why This Gospel Was Written

Water into wine – Early in Jesus “Public” ministry

Wise is that couple who invite Jesus to their wedding! Wiersbe

What does this event tell us about Jesus social life? He was involved in regular human affairs.

What does this exchange show about Jesus relationship with his mother?

What do you think Mary expected Jesus to do?

6 Waterpots – The waterpots were used for the jewish ritual of purification. The number 6 is just short of the number that represented completion or perfection. 1 more thing was needed and the wine later came to symbolize the blood of Christ, that thing that perfectly replaced the jewish ceremontial system of sacrifice for sin. (Shepherd’s Notes, Holeman Reference, John, p.18)

What is the meaning of the Headwaiter’s comments about the sorry wine first then the good wine?
"The world (and Satan also) gives its best first, and keeps the worst for the last. First the pleasures of sin—for a season—and then the wages of sin. But with God it is the very opposite. He brings His people into the wilderness before He brings them into the promised inheritance. First the Cross then the crown." – Pink

How did this sign affect His disciples? They believed in Him.

How does this (and other miracles/signs that Jesus did) affect your faith in Jesus?

As we study the miracles that Jesus did in the book of John I hope our faith will grow stronger and we can become even more confident in his power over everything in heaven and on earth.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

God’s Power in the cross

Today we are going to look at some of the ways God’s power was demonstrated through Jesus crucifixion.

As we read through these passages, look for ways that God’s power is evident.

What evidence of God’s power do we see in this passage?

God raised Jesus from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in Heaven.
Jesus was actually dead.

Not only did God raise Jesus from the dead, he did so according to the plan which he had established before time started.

What does this kind of prophesy tell us about God’s power?

The vail of the temple separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place. It was an elaborately woven fabric of 72 twisted plaits of 24 threads each. It was 60 feet high and 30 feet wide. There would have been priests in the temple, engaging in their duties when the veil was torn.

Obviously ripping a 60 foot tall curtain would have been awesome to see, but that was only a tiny representation of what was actually happening.

What do these verses in Hebrews tell us that the curtain ripping represented?

 Why were these resurrections important?

Today we have talked about some of the ways that God showed Himself to be the ultimate power of the universe through the cross.

How does knowing about all this power impact you?

How does God’s power over death make you feel about your own death?

How does God’s ability to record prophesy about Jesus death, make you feel about the prophesy of what is yet to come?

Sunday, March 13, 2016

People at the Cross

Do you ever People watch? At the mall, at events, in crowds? What kinds of people make an impression on you when you are just sitting on the bench? I now notice mothers with little babies that remind me of Julie and Allison and my grandkids.

Today we are going to move into the Easter season and we are going to do a kind of people watching where we can only see and hear a brief glimpse of what happened. We are going to hear a few sound bites as we go through the story, but probably not enough to get the full picture. Even though we won’t have the complete story, we will get enough to help us start thinking about how we react to the cross.

Based on Joy Beyond Agony
The People of the Cross
By Jane Roach

5 Groups: Passers by, Two criminals, The soldiers, The religious Leaders, His followers
Passers by

What were these passersby expecting? Why do you think they came to the crucifixion?

Jewish Religious Leaders

Why were these men so interested in proving that Jesus was not the Son of God?

The Soldiers

How could these men possibly have their mind on this tunic?


This short exchange gives us some amazing truth about salvation. Faith alone in Christ alone brings salvation. One of the criminals reacted to the cross by confessing his faith in Jesus ability to save him. How did the other criminal react?

His followers

I can’t imagine how Mary (Jesus mother) felt. John was close enough to hear Jesus speak.
How close do you think Mary and John were to the cross? 5 feet, 10 feet, right next to it?
What does the passage say about how John reacted?

Reactions to the cross, at the cross were all over the board. If you had been nearby and seen it, I wonder how you would have reacted. But let’s move out of people watching mode at the cross and into the present. Today, in the next few weeks, you will see people all around you responding to Easter.

What do you expect to see in the next 2 weeks leading up to Easter?
What we see is largely external. What God sees is what is on the inside. Some of the things we talked about this morning were external (casting lots) and some of the things we saw were eternal (the thief’s salvation). Some of the responses, such as those by the passersby may have been done without any understanding of what was really happening.

I’d like for us to think about our response to the cross this Easter season. For us, Jesus crucifixion is not an event that lasted a few hours, but the most significant event in all human history. We know what His death means for us. We know all about his sinless life and how He gave it to pay the price for our sins.

I want us to take just a moment of silence and react to the cross. Let’s see how the cross impacts our lives, and respond to it in your heart as you think Jesus wants you to respond.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

A New King

God chooses a new King
Ice BreakerWho was the first presidential candidate you voted for?
Super Tuesday is over – so today we are going to talk about how God held elections in Bible times.

As we read the passage note the number of times that Samuel demonstrates obedience to God.

1 Samuel16:1-13 

What actions did Samuel take that showed he was obeying God’s command?
V4 Samuel did what the Lord said
Took a Heifer with him
Sacrificed the heifer to the Lord
Invited Jesse to the sacrifice
Did not choose any of Jesse’s sons who were not God’s choice
Anointed David

What other qualities did Samuel demonstrate in the passage?
Fear – He was scared of Saul
Prayer – He was in frequent contact with the Lord throughout the passage
Willingness – He was willing to do this plan, even though it didn’t make sense at first.

If Samuel had been on his own to choose one of Jesse’s sons who do you think he would have picked?
Maybe Eliab, that was the tall one, maybe one of the others.

Samuel had the clear advantage of God speaking in his ear regarding David’s heart. We are not always so blessed. Sometimes it is hard for us to see what is on the inside of a person’s heart or mind.

What are some ways that we can look beyond someone’s appearance and find out what their true values are?

Do you think that God will speak to us today as we vote in elections? How will he do that?

I think it is worth pointing out that as God used Samuel to anoint David, Samuel demonstrated obedience over and over. (Rhetorical) Could our disobedience be so loud that we can’t hear God’s direction? What can we do about that – personally?

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Friendship - David and Jonathan

Friendship - David and Jonathan

Ice Breaker
Who was your best friend growing up and what did you spend time doing together?
One of the greatest friendships described in scripture is the friendship between David and Jonathan.
Jonathan is first described in 1 Samuel 14:1-5 when he wins a battle while relying on the Lord for his victory. From that passage we can see that Jonathan is one who depends on God and places God’s work above his own.
                (Just prior to these verses, David kills Goliath)

The end of chapter 18 describes how Saul (Jonathan’s father) became jealous of David and was afraid of him and wanted to kill him.

What does it take for two people’s souls to be knit together?
What are some of the qualities (Of friendship) we see in Jonathan?
·         Selfless Humility – He virtually abdicated the throne
·         He was an advocate for David
·         Jonathan was loyal to David through thick and thin.

To have a friend like Jonathan, you have to be a friend like Jonathan.
Why is it such a challenge to be a friend who shows humility, is an advocate, and be loyal?
For many of us, our spouse is the closest friend we have. Can a married person have a friendship like David and Jonathan-Other than their spouse?
Where does God fit into this friendship?

Challenge – Don’t examine the kind of friends you have, examine the kind of friend you are to others.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Building a House - 1 Chronicles 17:15

Building a house – Has anyone got a good house building story?
Today we are going to talk about David’s house building project. He had big plans, but God didn’t let him go through with them.

What do you think motivated David to propose building a house for God?

Why do you think that God spoke to David through Nathan, rather than directly to David? – God uses different ways to communicate with us (and David).

We know that Solomon built the temple after David’s death, but it’s clear that God is describing an eternal Kingdom with an eternal throne in v12-14. 
What do these verses tell us about God’s eternal Kingdom?
·         David will have a house (me too)
·         David would be with his fathers
·         One of David’s descendants (Jesus) will rule the kingdom and His throne will be established forever
·         The ruler (Jesus) will be God’s son and God’s loving kindness will not be taken away from Him.

Have you ever tried to do something nice for someone who didn’t appreciate it at all?

What does David’s response reveal about how he viewed God?
V20 – There is none like you.

Why is it sometimes hard for us to get on board with God’s commands to us?

David went farther than just accepting God’s answer, he jumped on it and said “do as you have spoken!”.
David also remembered that God had promised him good (v26). That probably helped.