Sunday, October 25, 2015

Revelation 3:7-13

Message to Philadelphia
Rev 3:7-13

Key of David – Christ’s total authority – Hezekiah’s servant
Isaiah 22:20-23

I know your deeds. Do you ever think about Jesus knowing your deeds? When does it occur to you that Jesus is watching? Do you think of Him as looking over your shoulder, walking beside you, cheering you on, or like the little angel on your shoulder saying “do right”?
God put an open door in front of the people of the church at Philadelphia. Why does it say He gave them this opportunity? – You have a little power, kept my word, not denied my name.

Several PromisesWhat are they?(I will)
We have lots of opportunities. At work I get invitations every day to attend events. They are always having something for the students and faculty is invited to death. I also get opportunities to do things in the community. I’ve served on the Leadership Texarkana board, I’ve worked with the city staff on an economic impact study, and I served on the Red Cross board for a while. I also have plenty of opportunities to do stuff here at church. There is always something going on that could be considered an opportunity. Question: How can I tell the difference between an opportunity to do something and an open door that Jesus has put in my path?

I think that it helps me choose which opportunities I should take when I remember that Jesus knows my deeds.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Revelation 2:18-29

Message to Thyatira
Thyatira was the smallest and least significant of the seven cities, but it was the one that received the longest letter.  This town stood about 45 miles to the southeast of Pergamum. It was famous for its textiles, but especially for its production of purple dye (cf. Acts 16:14), and its trade guilds. According to extant records, there were more trade guilds in Thyatira than in any other Asian city. There were trade guilds for clothiers, bakers, tanners, potters, linen workers, wool merchants, slave traders, shoemakers, dyers, and copper smiths. Thus it was a business center. 

How does Jesus describe himself?
"Son of God" emphasizes Jesus Christ's deity and His right to judge. This is the only use of this title in Revelation. Flame-like "eyes" suggest discerning and severe judgment. "Burnished (highly reflective) bronze" feet, in this context, picture a warrior with protected feet (cf. 1:15; Dan. 10:6).
What was the church commended for?
love and faith and service and  perseverance – Growing and getting better!
What do you think the church might have been doing to demonstrate love, faith, service, and perseverance?

What was the criticism?
Tolerance! Of Jezebel leading others to acts of immorality and idolatry.
How can the church be growing in their love, faith and service, and also be tolerating these acts of immorality and idol worship?

hold fast until I come
This is the first mention in Revelation of the Lord's coming for the church, the Rapture
Promise to overcomers
to him I will give authority over the nations; 27 and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of the potter are broken to pieces, as I also have received authority from My Father; 28 and I will give him the morning star (Rev 22:16)

Going back to Jesus description of Himself as the Son of God – He has received the authority from His Father to give authority to whom he wants to give authority.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Revelation 2:12-17

Message to Pergamum

Pergamum was the center for many pagan religious cults.

Description of Christ Two edged sword
Commendation - The Pergamum Christians had held firmly to their commitment to Jesus Christ and their witness for Him, even though they lived in one of Satan's strongholds. What kinds of challenges do you think the Pergamum believer’s faced? Do you see any strongholds for Satan in our community? Where?
Criticism - some who hold the teaching of Balaam, who kept teaching Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit acts of immorality. 15 So you also have some who in the same way hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans.
Are we in danger of adopting false teaching? How would Satan try to worm his way in?
Exhortation REPENT! What is the first step in repenting?
Potential Judgement Christ will make war against you with the sword of  his mouth – Judgement.

Promise to overcomers
A white stone represented a vote of acquittal or a favorable vote. Victors in contests or battles also received a white stone. Perhaps God will elevate the overcomer to the position of ruler over the earth, and will give him or her a new name, as He did for Joseph, Abraham and Jacob. The "name" on that stone is "new" in the sense of being different, not new in contrast to what is old. However, the "name" is probably that of "Christ" (cf. Phil. 2:9). It is "unknown" to others ("which no one knows but he who receives it"), in the sense that others who are not overcomers do not possess it.