Sunday, February 22, 2015

Nehemiah 13 - Remember Me

One prayer that is repeated throughout the book of Nehemiah is the prayer to “Remember Me”. Nehemiah usually prays this prayer after leading some important reform. The two examples we are going to look at today are in Chapter 13.

Tithes Restored 10-14

Sabbath Restored 15-22

Chapter 13 gives one more example of this same type of prayer and concludes with the same prayer in v31. At first glance these prayers may seem sort of self-serving. What do you make of this prayer?
·         They are personal Prayers that demonstrate a personal relationship between God and Nehemiah (my God).
·         V22 acknowledges that Nehemiah is relying on God’s love as He considers Nehemiah’s actions.

Carl Haak – Radio Preacher:
Nehemiah’s dependency upon God also meant that Nehemiah anticipated the day when the record of earth’s deeds would be publicly revealed.  “Remember me then.  Remember me when the books are opened and all the deeds of men are revealed; when the works of men (and the motives behind those works) are made plain; when all is opened for all to know; when my life and my work will publicly be reviewed in that day; when everything comes out (even that which was done in secret).  Lord, remember me then in Thy grace and love.”  Your days and my days must pass before the review of the Almighty.  Our work in the church, the home, in marriage, wherever we have been will be reviewed in that day.  It shall be revealed in that day before all.

David Fraser –Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
The average Hebrew wanted to be remembered for reputation, success in this life, and justice. To be remembered by the Lord was to have one's reputation favorably remembered by the community. Nehemiah was a eunuch with no children to carry on his name. When he died there was no one to continue his family. Isaiah 56:4-5 promised: "Thus says the LORD: To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, who choose the things that please me and hold fast my covenant, I will give in my house and within my walls a monument and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name which shall not be cut off."
Nehemiah wanted this promise to be fulfilled for him. To put it bluntly, he was praying for renown. In our status-seeking, fame-lusting generation, this kind of prayer has become almost the epitome of the anti-Christ. Yet here it is. And he could pray it because of what he stood for: the unadulterated worship of God. He knew the chief end of man was to glorify God and enjoy him forever. Strangely enough, that was the reason he could pray for his own repute.

Nehemiah knew that God would remember his life on earth. He knew that God would remember what he did for the Kingdom. His prayers seem to emphasize to God those times when he was faithful in doing what God led him to do
If you were to pray this prayer what would you be emphasizing to God? Your efforts in witnessing, teaching, leading, nurturing, praying, giving, What would you want to be remembered for?

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