Sunday, December 16, 2012

Micah 5:2-4 Prophesy of Jesus' birth

Prophesy regarding the birth of Jesus

Micah 5:2-4   8 Century B.C.

Isaiah 9:6-7 Somewhere between 740 to 680 B.C.

Isaiah 7:14

Luke 1:26-38      10 months B.C.

Isn’t it amazing that God used the ancient prophets to provide notice of Jesus’ coming?
What can we learn about God from these prophesies?
                He is eternal
                He has always known that we would need to be redeemed
                He has always had a plan to save us
                His plan came to pass, and we can have confidence that the whole thing will be fulfilled

Jesus coming was prophesied, announced, and occurred. He showed up, lived a sinless life, then gave himself on the cross to pay the price for our sins. You have accepted his salvation, and in this joyous season we celebrate that amazing part of God’s plan that brought Jesus to us.

I’d like to ask you to think back over this past year, since last Christmas. There have been weddings, funerals, graduations, births, successes, challenges, and life has gone on. I’d like to ask a few of you to share how knowing Jesus has made a difference in your life over the past year or in other words, how has your relationship with the savior shown up this past year?

As we celebrate Jesus birth this year, I challenge you to think beyond the manger and to the presence of Christ, living in us day by day.

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