Sunday, February 19, 2012

Philippians 1:19-26

Paul, in prison, continues to rejoice. His priority is his mission in Christ.

What priorities in our life compete for our time and energy?
Family, Job, Marriage, Friends, reputation, hobbies, church, …

Do you feel hard-pressed sometimes to juggle all these priorities?

What has God called you to do?

How can we adjust our priorities to move our personal mission for Christ UP?

In V25 Paul says that he is convinced that he will remain alive.
What does he expect his remaining alive to produce?
            Progress and Joy in the faith
            Confidence in Paul
            Paul’s return to the Philippians.

*IF your personal mission for Christ was on the top of your list, what would those results be?

What were the competing priorities Paul mentions in these verses?
Life and Death

What is so great about departing to be with Christ? Doesn’t that mean to die?
Paul’s view of death did not include suffering and pain, nor did it include separation from his friends, or leaving behind his wealth. He focused on being with Christ in life and in death.

By thinking about what God has called us to do and be, and choosing to set that as a high priority, we can lead others to progress in their faith, fulfill our calling, and experience the joy that comes with being obedient and productive in our life’s mission.

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