Genesis 25 – Isaac – Jacob and Esau
Recap of Abraham’s Story
Abram first mentioned at birth in 11:26 (his father was Terah)
12:1 God tells Abraham to Go forth and I will make you a great nation. I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you. In you all the families of the earth will be blessed.
Wife as sister in Egypt – Got richer
Came back and separated from Lot
Sarai plotted to let Abraham have a child by Hagar (Ishmael was born)
God revealed that His promise would be fulfilled by Sara
Abraham learned about intercession (for Lot)
Sodom is destroyed
Wife as sister in Gerar
Isaac born
Hagar and Ishmael sent away
Isaac nearly killed as an offering
Sarah’s death
Eleazar sent to get a bride for Isaac
Abraham marries and has 6 more sons
Abraham dies – all goes to Isaac.
25:5-9 – Abraham’s funeral
As we reflect back over the last several weeks in studying Abraham, what have we learned about our heavenly Father?
Has God shown you something new or reinforced something you already knew during this study?
• God can sometimes allow tests or trials into our lives to perfect our faith. Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac.
• God is able to send judgment on a city that is evil.
• God wants to include man in His plans.
• God invites us to pray.
• God is sovereign.
V19-26 –(before reading this) The Generations of Isaac.
The book of Genesis is divided into 10 sections of “Generations”.
The phrase "the generations of" (toledot in Hebrew, from yalad meaning "to bear, to generate") occurs ten times (really eleven times since 36:9 repeats 36:1), and in each case it introduces a new section of the book. A new toledot begins with 25:19. Its theme is "the acquisition of the blessing and its development and protection by the Lord."
We see that Isaac was 40 when he married – and Rebekah was barren for 20 years.
Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his wife and the Lord answered him and Rebekah conceived.
Does this situation remind you of anything? (Abraham and Sarah).
Do you think God was waiting on Isaac to intercede before allowing Rebekah to conceive?
Did Rebekah’s barrenness endanger God’s plan?
Rebekah had a problem pregnancy, which drove her to inquire of the Lord.
Is there something about being pregnant that makes a woman turn to the Lord, or was it the normal response of someone in a difficult situation?
V23 – God determined that Jacob would be the one who would be the one through whom God would fulfill his promise, but he was born second. This was contrary to normal cultural practice.
What does this tell us about God? Could he have caused Jacob to be born first?
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