Background and Setting –
1. Abraham had been promised that he would be the father of many nations, and that Kings would come forth from you (17:6). Sarah will be the mother of nations and Kings of peoples will come from her (17:16).
2. God appeared to Abraham in Chapter 17-18 and provide some more information
a. The promise would not be fulfilled by Ishmael 17:19
b. Sarah would deliver a child in 1 year
c. God invited Abraham to intercede for Lot
d. Abraham experienced answered prayer
Genesis 20:1-8 The Lie
Abraham claimed Sarah was his sister and Abimelech took her into his harem.
God appeared to Abimelech in a dream and convinced him to send her back.
What was Abraham THINKING?
How could this have endangered God’s promise?
Do you think this was the aftermath of a “mountaintop experience”?
How important is it for us to consistently show good judgement?
Small Recap from Chapter 12-God made the initial promise to Abraham, then told Abraham to “go forth”. Abraham went to Canaan, then a famine hit so he went to Egypt, where he pulled the same stunt. He convinced Sarai to claim she was his sister, then the Pharoh took her into his house, but God struck the Pharoh with plagues, then he left. This event was almost immediately following the promise.
Genesis 20:9-18 The Result
What do these verses tell us about God’s Actions?
God used Abimalech to enrich Abraham further.
God protected Sarah
God blessed Abimalech because of Abraham
God answered Abraham’s prayer to heal Abimilech’s wives and make them bear children.
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