V3 – a measure of faith.
2 short side trips
on Faith
Luke 7:1-10 Centurion with Great faith
Matthew 8:23-27 Disciples in the boat
with little faith
A little or a lot? How much do we need?
is the worst meal you have ever cooked?
V4-8 talks about
exercising your gifts accordingly. Prophecy, service, teaching, exhortation,
giving, Leadership, and mercy.
Rhetorical Question Have
you ever been guilty of thinking, “I don’t have to do this thing all that well
– Those people at the church will be glad I did it at all. Just because it is
not top notch – that’s OK. It’s better than nothing and besides, they’re not
even paying me anyway.”?
What are some of the reasons that
are given for doing less than our very best in God’s work?
Low priority, too busy, someone else can do it.
In addition to this passage Colossians says:
Colossians 3:23 do it for the Lord, not for men.
What impact does it
have on the church when one of us does not use the gift that God has given us?