Why do bad things happen to good people?
No one is good, except God. Mark 10:18
We are all sinners.
Prosperity, good health, good relationships, are
all results of obedience to God – Wrong!
Sometimes bad things happen as a consequence to sin or
unwise choices.
Sometimes things happen that seem bad, but are not really
bad when you look at the long view.
Sometimes we walk through difficult circumstances so that
God can be Glorified.
John 9. Read 1-9.
Was it mean for God to make this man bear blindness for many
years, just so that He could cause a controversy with the Jews?
V13-41 Read
Jesus used this encounter to give sight to the blind man and
force the Pharisees to see who He was.
They chose not to acknowledge his Deity.
How do we handle the “bad things” that come our way?
Is it the result of sin? Is God punishing us?
Is this something that God us using to bring
Glory to Himself?
Yes – recognize it
Not sure – Trust in His goodness Mark 10:18.