Saturday, April 21, 2012

Philippians 3:12-16

Paul has just finished talking about the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith.
In these verses, he comments on his current state, Imperfect, and striving for a better conformity to Christ.

Paul says that he has to press on X2.

Why do you think he used the term “Press On”? This denotes a challenging path, not an easy way.
Is the pursuit of righteousness easy?  Why not?

Paul talks about looking ahead instead of looking behind. How can looking back hinder us from pressing on toward the upward call of Christ Jesus? 
How can looking back help us in pressing on toward the upward calling of Christ Jesus?

Forget our shortcomings and forgiven sin, Remember God’s blessings and provision.
Paul talks about as many as are perfect (mature) have this attitude.

Philippians 2:4-6 Have this attitude in yourselves which was in Christ Jesus – Looking out for others.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Philippians 3:1-11

Some people inspire confidence – others, not so much.
What can people do to gain your confidence in their ability?
How do we gain confidence in our own abilities?
What might be the danger in too much self-confidence?

We have just concluded the section where Paul gave us a couple of excellent examples of laborers, Timothy and Epaphroditus. Paul ended that section of the letter by compelling the Philippians to “Receive Epaphroditus in the lord with all joy, and hold men like him in high regard”.
The passage we will look at today begins with Joy also, but then turns to a warning about what kind of men to look out for.

Judaizers – people who believed that to be a righteous person, one had to maintain all of the jewish law, including circumcision, and the whole Mosaic law. It other words, they thought that faith in Christ alone would not provide righteousness in God’s eyes.

Philippians 3:1-11.

Paul had lots of reasons to be confident in his own ability to obtain righteousness through the flesh. What were some of those reasons? 7 -Circumcision, Pure Jewish blood, Benjamite, Hebrew of Hebrews (strict Jewish raising, Studied OT in Hebrew), Pharisees (most Orthodox), persecuted Christians, Obeyed all the law.
What does Paul say about all of these means of righteousness? – They are worthless.
What does he say about the true source of righteousness?
Paul was supremely confident in the righteousness that came from God on the basis of his faith.

How can we be confident in the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of Faith?