Sunday, May 22, 2011

Genesis 19 Lot

Genesis 19:1-3- The angels arrival – Greeting.
How is this greeting different or similar to the greeting these angels got in 18:1-8 from Abraham?

Lot’s Progression
13:10-11 Lot lifted up his eyes to the valley of the Jordan/Moved his tents to Sodom.
19:1 Now he is sitting in the gate of Sodom (v9: says acting like a judge)

Read 19:4-10 Neighbors?
This passage demonstrates how wicked the people of Sodom and become.
What does this passage tell us about Lot’s character?
He wanted to protect the angels,
He would offer his own daughters to do so,
He knew what would happen if the angels stayed in the square (he thought),
He was powerless to resist the level of evil at hand.

Read 19:11-14 The angels struck the raiders blind, The angels tell him to get is family and get out before the place goes up in smoke. His sons-in-law thought it was a joke.

Read 19:15-26 Lot and his daughters and wife escape, she looks back, fire and brimstone rain.
Lot negotiated with the angels, but not in an intercessory way, he was asking for accommodation for his own party.
Lot’s wife was unnamed, but she is famous for looking back.
Why do you think she turned back?

Read 19:27-29 Abraham went back to the place where he had prayed (maybe the alter).
God answered his prayer.
Did God answer Abraham’s prayer? What does this tell us about intercession?

Read 19:30-38. Lot’s daughters got him drunk, had sex with him and became pregnant. One bore Moab, one bore Ammon.
"Lot was able to take his daughters out of Sodom, but he was not able to take . . . Sodom out of his daughters."
The environment of Sodom must have had an influence on Lot’s daughters.

Who do you surround yourself with? Where do you spend your time? How important is our daily interactions with others? It is foolish for a believer to become attached to the things of this world. They will corrupt him, and God can destroy them swiftly and suddenly.

What did God reveal about Himself in this chapter?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Genesis 18 - God and Abraham

Part 1 The events
Read 18:1-15
The Lord and 2 angels show up at Abraham’s tent.
How does Abraham greet them?
Foot washing, bread, a calf, curds, milk, shade
What is so special about sharing a meal with someone? Who do you eat with?
V10 and 14 – further clarifies God’s promise to Abraham by telling him when the promised heir would be born.
What 2 important characteristics of God are evident in v13-14?
God is omniscient –Nothing is too hard for God (All Powerful).
Do you live as if you really believe that God knows your every thought?
If you truly believed that God knew you that well, how would that change your thought process?
Do you live as if you really believe that God is ALL Powerful?
If your faith allowed you to demonstrate that belief, how would it affect your daily life?

Part 2 The events
Read 18:16-22
The Lord discusses whether or not to reveal His plan to Abraham with the 2 angels.
The two angels leave for Sodom, Abraham continues talking to God.
The Lord chooses to bring Abraham in on the coming process.
Why do you think God decided to let Abraham in on the plan?
V19 so that he could keep the way of the Lord and do righteousness and Justice.
Also to give him a chance to intercede.
Abraham is left alone with God in V22. They have just shared a meal, God has shown His omniscience and power, reinforced his promise, and now has taken Abraham into his confidence.
How do you think Abraham is feeling at the end of V22?
Would it be possible for me to somehow find myself in a position where my fellowship with God was anywhere as close as Abraham experienced? How would I do that?

Part 3 The events
Read 18:23-33
Abraham bargains with God, interceding for Sodom and Gomorrah.
What was Abraham’s goal in this negotiation?
A. Secure deliverance for the righteous
B. Protect God’s reputation v25
C. Demonstrate mercy for the wicked
Do you think Abraham’s close fellowship had anything to do with his boldness?
What does this exchange between God and Abraham tell us about God’s view of justice and mercy?
Did lot stop negotiations too soon?