Sunday, June 26, 2011

Genesis 22 - Abraham's Test

Genesis 22:1-14
God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham followed God’s instructions, but God stopped him from killing Isaac at the last minute.
What was God testing in Abraham? His sincerity, loyalty, dedication, faith.
As a teacher, I test my students to find out how much they know. Why did God test Abraham?

James 2:21-23 As a result of Abraham’s works (this response to the test) His faith was perfected.
It is Abraham’s actions that complete his faith in James 2:22. The Greek here is teleioo, meaning accomplish or finish, but also implying make perfect. James is calling us to be made perfect by our actions, by doing works that complete our faith.
God tested Abraham by asking him to surrender the thing in his life that he “loved” (first use of that word).
Does God “test” us? How? Why?

Typology (or typological symbolism) is a Christian form of biblical interpretation that proceeds on the assumption that God has placed anticipations of Christ in the laws, events, and people of the Old Testament. There is a danger of infringing one's presumptions upon the biblical text to the point where typology becomes allegory.
Types: Isaac is a type of Christ – obedient to the point of death.
Abraham is a type of the Father – he did not spare his own son.
The Ram – A type of substitution – Christ was offered as a burnt offering in our stead (Heb 10:5-10)

Only begotten Son Genesis 22:2 John 3:16
Offered on a mountain, hill Genesis 22:2 Matt. 21:10
Took donkey to place of sacrifice Genesis 22:3 Matt. 21:2-11
Two men went with him. Genesis 22:3 Mark 15:27; Luke 23:33
Three day journey. Jesus: three days in the grave Genesis 22:4 Luke 24:13-21
Son carried wood on his back up hill Genesis 22:6 John 19:17
God will provide for Himself the lamb Genesis 22:8 John 1:29
Son was offered on the wood Genesis 22:9 Luke 23:33
Ram in thicket of thorns Genesis 22:13 John 19:2
Servant gets bride for son Genesis 24:1-4 Rev. 21:2, 9; 22:17
The bride was a beautiful virgin Genesis 24:16 2 Cor. 11:2
Table from Matt Slick, Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, Dictionary of Theology, typology:

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