Sunday, November 29, 2015

Christmas Stories

Christmas Stories

Matthew 1
Genealogy of Jesus
Conception of Jesus – told to Joseph in a dream
Visit of the Magi – Wise Men
Flight to Egypt / Herod’s attempt to kill Jesus
Luke 1
Gabriel announces the situation to Mary
Mary visits Elizabeth
Mary’s Magnificat
John born to Elizabeth and Zacharias
Luke 2
Jesus birth in Bethlehem / Shepherds / Angels (heavenly host)
Jesus presented at the temple (Simeon / Anna the daughter of Phanuel).

Micah 5:2 Bethlehem is Jesus’ birthplace
Isaiah 7:14 Virgin birth

Which one of these stories hold the most meaning for you and why?
How would you describe the amount of information we have about Jesus birth? A little, a lot, somewhere in between?

What do you think God’s purpose(s) was in including these stories in the Bible?

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Jonah’s Thanksgiving Day Prayer

Summarize Jonah Chapter 1
Read Jonah chapter 2. (NASB)

Conjecture = What was Jonah’s situation two weeks before the events in chapter 1?

God had appointed a task for Jonah that would make a huge difference in the lives of the Ninivites, but Jonah decided that he didn’t want to cooperate.  (Noah getting in his car seat)
God could have used anyone – a native, another Hebrew, a donkey… Why do you think he chose Jonah?

God loves people. He loved the citizens of Nineveh. He loved Jonah.  See verses below:

Revelation 3:19 –Those whom I live I rebuke and discipline
Proverbs 3:12 For whom the LORD loves He reproves, Even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights.

God’s reproof to Jonah did the trick! It worked perfectly. Once Jonah had a chance to think about what God had directed him to do for a while (3 days) he decided that he should turn back to God instead of fleeing from God.

His prayer included an acknowledgement of his current situation, and several statements about God, and in V 9 the ribbon on the whole “prayer Package” is his spirit of thanksgiving. Some translations use the term grateful.

Keep in mind that this prayer is prayed while he was still in the belly of the fish.

Is thankfulness a normal response to discipline?
Is thankfulness a common response to terrible circumstances?

As you are facing challenges, when do you usually get around to thanksgiving?

We don’t often consider Jonah a hero of the faith, but his response to discipline was a good one, and it only took him 3 days to figure out what he should do.

Jonah knew as soon as his cruise director woke him up that God’s discipline was behind the storm. How can we tell the difference between God’s discipline, trials that give us the opportunity to grow in our faith, the result of our own poor choices, or other possible reasons for bad things that happen in our lives?

I believe that just as Jonah knew, God will let us know if our circumstances are a reproof.

As we start the holiday season, and consider all that you might be thankful for, remember to be thankful for God’s love. Sometimes that feels like the Lord is providing for all your needs and you know that He is with you no matter what, but it can sometimes feel like getting kicked off the boat in the middle of the sea. Regardless of your circumstances, God still loves you and is always working to draw you to Him.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Revelation 3:14-22

Message to Laodicea The last of the seven cities, Laodicea (modern Eski-hisar, "the old fortress"), lay about 40 miles southeast of Philadelphia, and 90 miles east of Ephesus. It was "one of the wealthiest cities in the world” that specialized in banking, producing black woolen cloth, and health care.
Description of Christ
Promise to Overcomers

*This church received no commendation; a fact that makes this letter unique compared to the other six.

This passage contrasts wealth and poverty to help the church at Laodicea understand their true situation.

*How could people whose major achievements to date included the wheel and the nail (Maybe a few other comforts) consider themselves rich?

As of September 30, 2015 there are 545 billionaires in the U.S. How are their lives different from the people who lived in Laodicea?

Is there a danger that those of us who have something less than a billion dollars could say “I am rich and have need of nothing”?

Christ advises the Laodiceans to get these white garments eye salve to anoint their eyes so that they can see. What is he talking about here?

V19 Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent.
How does God reprove and discipline those He loves? Does it feel like love when God disciplines you?