Sunday, January 17, 2010

Solomon Week 2 -1 Kings 3-4

1 Kings 3:4-15 Solomon’s prayer and God’s answer
Solomon’s prayer for Wisdom
Think of the wisest person you know (no name) and tell us what makes you think they are wise.
1 Kings 3:4-15 Solomon’s prayer and God’s answer
V9 Why did Solomon ask for Wisdom?
What did God think about Solomon NOT asking for riches and honor?
Matthew 6:28-33 – Jesus is describing what our priority in prayer should be.
How does Jesus tell us to pray? With what priority?
What can we learn about how not to pray from both of these passages?
1 Kings 3:16-28 2 Prostitutes and 1 baby
In this case, was justice done?
What about the liar? Why wasn’t she punished?
Solomon’s wisdom required an investment of his time. If he had been unwilling to take time to hear this case, he would have missed the opportunity to demonstrate his wisdom.
What kind of investment is required of us to demonstrate wisdom? (time, emotion, effort, energy)
V12 (Solomon the wisest ever) We will not be as wise as Solomon, but with the wisdom we have, how can you and I demonstrate wisdom?
1) Get it from God
2) Put the priority on God’s kingdom
3) Invest in others
4) Face circumstances with compassion

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Solomon Week 1 - 1 Kings 1-2

Solomon Introduction
1 Kings 1-11, 2nd Chronicles 1 -9, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon
David’s second son by Bathsheba, 3rd King of Israel
Solomon is a dichotomy in Wisdom and foolishness, Godliness and Self satisfaction, Power and Weakness
Priorities in Prayer
Priorities in personal decisions
Knowing truth vs. acting on truth
God’s promises fulfilled
Solomon’s ascent to the throne 1 Kings 1:24-31
Bathsheba (in the previous verses) had just told David the same thing.
David kept his vow by placing Solomon on the throne.
Adonijah had attempted to take over the throne.
Are there aspects of Solomon’s ascension that seem ungodly?
Solomon was the eventual fruit of David’s worst moral failure. Have you seen other situations where God uses man’s failures as part of His plan?
In God’s sovereignty, He can take any situation and bring glory to Himself.
David’s Charge 1 Kings 2:1-4
How would you feel if you knew that the fulfillment of God’s promise to someone else depended on your actions?
Is it possible to pass a pure heart from one generation to another?
What can we pass along?
What influence did David have on Solomon?