Thursday, April 1, 2010

James 2a

James 2
1-8 V8 If you show partiality you are committing sin. Just like Murder / Adultery.
V4 (evil Motive) How do we decide what someone’s motive is?

Job 34:16-19 “Him who is righteous and mighty” is God – one reason that he shows no partiality is that he made them all.

9-13 You are a transgressor of the law.
So Speak and So act as those who are judged by the law of Liberty.
Mercy triumphs over judgment.

What kind of works is James talking about? (Besides helping with food and clothing).
List some things.

What kind of faith is James talking about here?
Saving faith is discussed in Romans 5:1 and Ephesians 2:8-9

18-20 – Useless
How do you know if someone has a true faith in God (v. 18)?

20 close comparisons between James and the Sermon on the Mount

Matthew 7:21 and Luke 6:46 talk about those who will have a true relationship with Jesus.
Doing what God wants us to do.

James 21-26
Abraham / Rahab
What was the tie in (relationship) between these two’s faith in God and their works?
Their works was a demonstration of their faith.
These “works”. Can they be done without faith? Consistently?
How can we keep up the good work?

Rich man / Poor man beginning
V17 Faith being without works is dead.
Abraham / Rahab ending

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